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Darren McGuire MD, MHSc

Darren K. McGuire MD, MHSc

Professor of Medicine, Division of Cardiology, UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, Texas

Dr. Darren McGuire, MD, MHSc is a Professor of Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas in the Division of Cardiology, where he is holds the Dallas Heart Ball Chair for Heart Disease Research in Women. Dr. McGuire’s expertise is in large scale clinical trial design and execution, and drug registration/regulation, with a focus in the area of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Dr. McGuire joined the UTSW faculty August, 2001 where he is the Director of the Cardiovascular Clinical Research Unit, and is Director of the Parkland Hospital and Health System Cardiology clinics. His research focus is the prevention of cardiovascular complications of diabetes with broader interests in global cardiovascular risk reduction strategies. He is actively involved in the leadership of numerous international cardiovascular clinical outcomes trials.

He is senior associate editor of Diabetes and Vascular Disease Research, associate editor of the American Heart Journal, a Fellow of the American Heart Association andthe American College of Cardiology, immediate past Chair of the AHA Diabetes Committee, and a former member of the FDA Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee and continues as an ad hoc consultant for the FDA. Dr. McGuire has been awarded UT Southwestern Outstanding Teacher awards from the internal medicine housestaff (2006), medical school class of 2008, and cardiology fellowship (2012), as well as the University of Texas System Board of Regents Outstanding Teacher Award 2013.

Dr. McGuire has authored/co-authored over 180 peer-reviewed manuscripts, reviews, editorials and book chapters.